
Easy to use system

Customizable for all types and sizes of halls

Online system:

  • data is safe - Backed up nightly
  • Always have the most current version
  • No more updates to install
  • Access from any computer on the internet
  • Bank level security


Track firefighter's information including start dates, phone numbers and contact information. Seniority list, phone list and Company lists are just a few of the available personnel reports.

Records customers use Records to track:
  • Certifications - First Aid
  • Training - Pumps & Pumping
  • Medical - Physical & Hearing Exams
  • Meetings - Health & Safety

    Individual or group reports can be generated and weekly expiring reports are emailed to a specific individual in the hall (i.e. training officer) to notify of expiring records


    Training Sessions
    Track training sessions (drill nights, practice nights) with attending firefighters. Record multiple training topics which are automatically attached to each firefighter's file. You can also attach lesson plans, photos and any other documents.

    Tracking incidents is simple with the system. Easily input all details of the incident, attending firefighters and aparatus, and attach documents and photos. Easily generate a variety of statistical and year end reports.


    Payrates are attached to individual firefighters and training/incident types to fit every firehall requirement. Monthly and yearly payroll reports can be easily generated for training and incidents.
    Equipment Tracking
    Tracking equipment is a concern for many halls. How do you make sure the equipment is properly cared for and how do you record this upkeep in a way that is accessible when you need it. has added an equipment tracking module that answers these questions.